Cy Pres awards help Centro Legal continue to expand the essential services we provide. Help us make a lasting impact for our communities!

For more information, contact Litigation Director Jesse Newmark at 510-437-1863 or

Cy Pres Awards

Make a real impact in the lives of low-income and immigrant workers, tenants, consumers, and more by designating Centro Legal de la Raza as a Cy Pres recipient!

Cy Pres awards allow any remaining funds after the distribution of a class action settlement to be given to charitable organizations who share a mission similar to the purpose of the case. Cy Pres awards are a critical source of funding for nonprofit legal service organizations.

Centro Legal is an ideal choice of beneficiary for Cy Pres awards.


Centro Legal de la Raza reinvests Cy Pres awards directly in the communities we serve. For instance, after receiving an award from a tenant class action for a landlord’s repeated failure to return security deposits, Centro immediately hired an additional tenants’ rights attorney to represent low-income tenants similarly defrauded by unethical landlords. Likewise, Centro Legal used an award from a class action for wage theft against construction workers to directly fund a new staff attorney position representing immigrant day laborers and other construction workers who also suffer egregious wage theft at the hands of dishonest and duplicitous employers.

Centro Legal’s History, Accessibility, and Reach

35 Staff members
More than 5 law students supervised
90 Pro Bono attorneys each year
More than 20 clinics per month
Serving over 7000 clients per year

For almost fifty years, Centro Legal de la Raza has been headquartered in the heart of the immigrant community in Oakland’s Fruitvale District. As a result, we are the most accessible—and in many areas, the only—legal service organization serving the East Bay immigrant community. With offices in Hayward and San Francisco, our reach extends throughout the entire Bay Area. Additionally, Centro Legal travels monthly to harder to reach areas throughout Northern and Central California, serving hundreds of clients who live in the Central Valley, and various parts of Northern California.

Centro Legal’s Diverse and Holistic Programs

Centro Legal de la Raza serves all clients that come through our doors, regardless of immigration status. We provide services ranging from immediate clinics and individual consults to full representation in state and federal court to low-income workers, tenants, immigrants, consumers, survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, human trafficking victims, and more.

Courts Regularly Approve Awards to Centro Legal

In recognition of and to support Centro Legal de la Raza’s longstanding work on behalf of low-income and immigrant workers, tenants, consumer, and other client communities, state and federal courts have regularly approved Cy Pres awards to our organization. This funding is critical to supporting the work we do for low-income and immigrant communities in the Bay Area and beyond, where we are often the only legal aid organization providing free services.

Centro Legal de la Raza would like thank the following firms and attorneys for recently naming us as Cy Pres beneficiaries:

  • Altshuler Berzon LLP

  • Aram Antaramian, Laura Stevens, Richard Pearl

  • Chavez & Gertler

  • Christopher David Beatty

  • Feinberg, Jackson, Worthman & Wasow LLP

  • Gilardi & Co., LLC

  • Goldstein, Borgen, Dardarian & Ho

  • Hunter Pyle Law

  • Kingsley & Kingsley

  • Law Office of Justian Jusuf APC

  • Law Offices of Andrew Wolff, P.C.

  • Law Office of Adam Wang

  • Law Office of Daniel Berko

  • Legal Aid of Marin

  • Leonard Carder LLP

  • Mallison & Martinez

  • Sohn Legal Group

  • Spivak Law Firm

  • Stanford Community Law Clinic

  • Weltin, Streb & Weltin LLP

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